Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Year 11 - keeping them motivated

This has got to be the toughest time in the teaching year, particularly for those of us with year 11 classes. Even the most motivated students start to feel the pressure and it seems like every other subject is taking priority over yours...

Are are a few ideas I'm trying for the last push to revise before exams. I'm lucky, as I teach German this year, so my exam comes late in the season.

Quizlet King or Queen

I got a cheap crown from a fancy dress store like this one and award to it the pupil who has the top score in Gravity. Quizlet is a great memory tool, free as well, and has really boosted vocabulary retention in my class. The crown is worn for a lesson (or placed on a cuddly toy on their desk) and they get a little prize too.

Challenge Mrs Mc

Using Kahoot or Quizlet live, I get one of the students to be the Quizmaster and they have to try to beat me (or my team).

Bingo Revision

I got this great idea from Twitter, where I think it started as a history homework and got transferred to MFL. I adapted it to fit the needs of my class. I'm hoping to get some who complete the whole thing!

All my ideas are also on Pinterest, where you can find me as Jan McCann.

happy revising!

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